On an unrelated topic, my mom keeps sending me Barack Obama e-mails. She is convinced that he is going to ruin the world if he wins. She keeps sending this photo of him not salluting the flag.
I looked this up on "truth or fiction" and found out that it is not a doctored photo. His campaign says that sometimes he does and other times he doesn't place his hand on his heart. I find this odd. He must be very immune to peer pressure. I have to say the pledge twice a month at board meetings, and I would never think of not putting my hand over my heart. It would be wierd to be the only one in the room that isn't making that patriotic gesture. To add photographers on top of it would make it even more difficult to stand there with my hands at my side. Though, granted, they were singing the national anthem in this photo, so maybe he's safe on a techincality. Or, maybe he's a true "free thinker" and is demonstrating that he is not confined to the traditions of our country.
Well, I just can't believe that he does not salute the flag. I mean, come on, the man is running for president. You have to at least fake patriotism! Though, it obviously doesn't matter much since he is doing well in the primaries. So, I don't think this anti-Barack e-mail spam that I keep getting is making that much of an impact on voters. But, it does have me curious as to why a presidential nominee would admit (through a spokesperson) that he doesn't always salute the flag (nor will he wear a flag lapel pin, but that's for another post). So, I did a google images search to see if I could find some photos of him saluting the flag. I found lots of him standing in front of the flag, but only two others of him actually with his hand over his heart, one of which his head is cut off, so I can't really tell if it's him. Here is the one photo I found:
Now, look, what could be more patriotic then saluting a flag in a nearly empty school cafeteria next to a boot-wearing, balding white dude?
Okay, well, enough of this post. I don't know what I'm really getting at anyways. I guess I'll watch the democratic convention and see if he does it then. In the meantime, I have to research the other e-mails my mom has sent, including that he is a closeted Muslim who, like Pinky and the Brain, wants to take over the world!
Hi, I'm Della from Virginia.
Sorry I can't help with decimals but I have to comment on saluting the flag.
The thing we don't know is what was going on when that picture was taken. Were they saying the pledge or was it just the National Anthem? In the second picture you can see that his mouth is open and he appears to be saying the pledge along with the others in the room.
If in the first picture they were playing the national anthem then what he is doing is perfectly appropriate. It is not a requirement to put your hand on your heart just for the anthem. He is standing, looking respectfully toward the flag, showing appropriate respect.
A hand over the heart is correct during the pledge, but not required for the Star Spangled Banner.
So what is actually going on is that he knows the rules, and the others either don't, or they are doing what they think is popular.
Not that I'm necessarily an Obama follower, (I do think he is at least the lesser of two evils), but some people will turn something that's totally ok into an atrocity if they don't like someone.
Thanks for letting me put my 2 cents in. :)
I'm curious as to what your current political stance is- I'd like to get your insight.
As to this picture having an impact I actually sat next to a woman on an airplane that said she didn't want Obama to become president because she saw this picture. We then went into a lengthy discussion about trusting the media, and doing our own research on candidates and not trusting forwards or even what you hear on the news.
The sad part is, the average voter is swayed by a picture (remember the Ducacus picture?)
I don't really have a current political stance. One of the problems with being open minded is that I can never make up my mind.
These Internet/e-mail forwards are ridiculous, especially because people don't take the time to find out if they are true. However, in the case of Barack Obama, I have to admit I honestly find it out that a politician wouldn't at least feign patriotism when he knows he's being photographed. He must have a really good public relations team. I'd like to pick their brain.
Did you hear about the latest photo of him in a turban? Supposedly Clinton's camp released that one. As if other politicians don't put on the garb of other countries...the first lady covered her hair in Jerusalem, I saw the president wearing some silk Chinese outfit... so, I say, big deal! But, people will probably take that photo and run with it!
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