I finally got my board! I waxed it this morning! Hooray! Dylan laid on it too, check out the photo below... tre cute! :) Dylan is such a little heart breaker. He is so cute and smiley it kills me. Today Grant bought an easy-up so tomorrow we're all heading down to Cardiff... hope to get there before the crowd. I'm a little worried to have the baby there for more than an hour, but we've got to do it sometime and I don't want to go all summer without spending a couple of days at the beach.
I'm back at work, which is nice. I'm only working 32 hours a week and of that I spend about 6 hours in route to or in the lactation room. Pumping at work is hard work. I'm super lucky though to work for a place that gave us our own room so I don't have to pump in my office, and my friend in the toilet stall.
I miss teaching my Palomar class. The 18 year olds always kept me on my toes. Word around the campfire is that one, maybe two, full time teaching jobs may open in my discipline at my college. I am definitely going to apply and am going to ignore how competitive those positions are; in the words of Stuart Smalley, 'I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and, gosh darn it, people like me'.
Tonight Grant and I celebrate 5 years of being married! I can't believe 5 years has passed. Grant still leaves his coffee cups all over the house and never puts away his toiletries (though since the advent of the man basket at least half of them are housed in one location). I still mapquest our life and do a piss poor job of loading the dishwasher. But now that we are so used to each other these have just become other enduring traits that, while annoying, we each find rather charming. I know grant won't read my blog because he thinks it's dorky, but happy anniversary Senior Muffin Head, I love you!
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