Saturday, November 29, 2008


Dylan is getting his first tooth! Very exciting...except now I have to break him of the habit of biting my chin when he's excited. That was cute and now it's not so cute anymore.

Dylan also went on his first swing ride this weekend, and is a little adrenaline junkie. He laughed and laughed until Grant swung him too high and then he stopped laughing, and looked a little sick. Leave it to dad to push a little to hard! :)

As Dylan is only 8 months old, this was also his first Thanksgiving. So, he had his first bites of turkey, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy and biscuits. Even without teeth he chowed down.

I am so thankful this Thanksgiving to have Dylan in my life. Having a baby has opened me up to viewing the world minute by minute, as it goes by, instead of constantly planning ahead. When I'm out with Dylan, I always take the time to have him smell a new flower, feel the wet grass or watch a seagull fly around (he thinks that is really funny). These times are priceless.

I'm also thankful for my wonderful, supportive family and my great job. I am blessed to have so many caring people in my life and to have security at work when so many other people are living through hard times.

Speaking of hard times, I read that a WalMart worker got run over by an over-anxious crowd of shoppers. I don't shop at WalMart anyway and this just confirms my desire to avoid that store. Not only does it underpay workers and add to our taxroll by making sure that they all qualify for government health care (instead of providing them affordable, or hello you make enough money WalMart, free health care), but I can't stand the WalMart culture. If anyone reading my blog has ever been in a Walmart in northern Cal. you'll know what I'm talking about. Tweaked out, spandex and looney-toon shirt wearing, teeth missing, yelling at their children loosers. 'Nough said. I can't stand to ever go in another WalMart after shopping in the one in Oroville. I have seen people on their worst behavior in that store. I can't believe what low prices can do to people.

Grant and I watched a documentary about WalMart a couple of years back and if you shop there, I highly suggest you check it out. There's a Web site about the movie: It may not change your mind about taking advantage of its low prices, but at least you can see what your hard earned dollar is supporting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you aren't deleting your blog. I don't think its boring.